August 13, 2014

Tocqueville in India by Jean Alphonse Bernard
                                ISBN: 978-93-83166-02-2
Hardback 260 pp ; Pub date: August 2014 ;Tentative Pub Price: Rs 625
"Tocqueville was, of course, a famous world traveler. Though, like Marx, he never visited India, also like Marx this did not deter him from writing about it with remarkable insight. Jean Alphonse Bernard has, of course, visited India and imagined what Tocqueville would have perceived had he done so. He has, in this innovative way, cast a fresh light on both the fantasies about and the realities of contemporary Indian political life."

Paul Brass, 
Professor Emeritus of Political Science and International Relations, University of Washington, Seattle

India has always been a land of contrasts and marvels. Today it contrives to be a functioning democracy in the midst of a society that remains inherently hierarchical. In order to grasp this paradox in all its dimensions, Jean Alphonse Bernard resolved to revisit the realities of India now in the company of Alexis de Tocqueville ( 1805-59). Tocqueville in India explores the enduring dialogue between the State and Society. Following neither Fukuyama nor Huntingdon, this book should attract the attention of those concerned by Indian issues as well as every reader interested in political philosophy or world affairs.
Jean Alphonse Bernard’s career in the French Treasury Department took him to New York, Copenhagen, Moscow, New Delhi (1960-64) and Kuwait. He returned to India after retirement and has since devoted many years to a study of politics in the subcontinent and political philosophy in general. The author of a number of books and articles in India in French, he wrote Tocqueville in India in English in order to present it directly to the broadest possible audience.
                                                List of Contents
List of Illustrations; List of Tables; Preface; Introduction
1.Tocqueville in India; 2. Society v. State; 3. Society as Caste, Caste as Society; 4.The Unassuming Revolution; 5.The State as an Autonomous Actor
6. Tocqueville Travels to Bihar; 7.Turmoil In A Forward State; 8.Tamil Nadu- A Nation in the Making; 9. Kerala, A Society That is “Civil”
10. A Mid-Journey Session
11. Yet They Vote; 12. Is India a Nation? 13. The Empire of Democracy; 14. Democracy and Discrimination; 15. Religions and Secularism
16. The Highest Good


‘Everywhere is becoming the same’?  Regulating IT-work between India and Germany by Nicole Mayer-Ahuja
                                                ISBN: 978-93-83166-01-5
Hardback 565pp; Pub date: 2014; Pub Price: Rs 725

"This book, an outstanding piece of scholarship comparing the two varied political and social contexts of Germany and India, challenges the dominant notion of the convergence of corporate practices unleashed by globalisation. Presenting a pioneering inquiry, it makes a seminal and significant contribution to the substantive area."

 Ernesto Noronha
Professor Ernesto Noronha, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

‘The world is flat’ – this popular account of current developments celebrates transnationally operating companies as great ‘equalisers’. Such tendencies of homogenisation come up against limits, however. Focussing on Indo-German project work in software programming, this study analyses the complex interrelations between the business models of transnationally operating companies and localised standards of regulating reproduction. They result in marked differences between the ways in which labour power is utilised in the companies’ Indian and German subsidiaries. The world is not ‘flat’ – instead, transnational corporate activities draw upon the combined and uneven development of world regions and reinforce difference rather than reducing it.
Nicole Mayer-Ahuja is Professor of Sociology at University of Hamburg and was Director of the Sociological Research Institute (SOFI) at University of Goettingen, Germany. Her research addresses work and labour, social policy and labour market policy from a historical and transnational perspective. She has published several books and articles on the history of precarious work in late 20th century Germany, on control practices in small and medium internet companies, and on transnational IT work.

List of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Concepts - Regulating Scenarios and Pathways of Transnationalisation
  3. The Spatial Binding of Labour Power
  4. The Contractual Binding of Labour Power
  5. Remuneration
  6. WorkingTime
  7. Qualifications - Requirements and Profiles
  8. In Lieu of a Summary - Corporate Utilisation of Labour Power and Capitalist Development
  9. Appendix
  10. Bibliography
Savage Attack: Tribal Insurgency in India
Edited by Crispin Bates and Alpa Shah
ISBN 978-81-87358-69-5
Hardback 306pp
Pub date: March 2014
Pub Price: Rs 725
"This important book explores the ways that Indian adivasis or ‘tribal’ people have been understood over the past two centuries. There are a series of thoughtful and challenging chapters that examine the way in which these definitions have to be situated within a changing politics of, on the one hand, state control, and on the other, an internal politics of rebellion as against integration. The supposed homogeneity of adivasi communities is scrutinized and questioned, leading into discussions of the internal politics of these groups. In all, an excellent collection that challenges many firmly-held notions about Indian adivasis."

David Hardiman, Professor Emeritus, University of Warwick, Uk    
Savage Attack: Tribal Insurgency in India, edited by Crispin Bates and Alpa Shah
In Savage Attack: Tribal Insurgency in India the authors ask whether there is anything particularly adivasi about the forms of resistance that have been labelled as adivasi movements. What does it mean to speak about adivasi as opposed to peasant resistance? Can one differentiate adivasi resistance from that of other lower castes such as the dalits? In this volume the authors move beyond stereotypes of tribal rebellion to argue that it is important to explore how and why particular forms of resistance are depicted as adivasi issues at particular points in time. Interpretations that have depicted adivasis as a united and highly politicised group of people have romanticised and demonized tribal society and history, thus denying the individuals and communities involved any real agency. Both the interpretations of the state and of left-wing supporters of tribal insurgencies have continued to ignore the complex realities of tribal life and the variety in the expressions of political activism that have resulted across the length and breadth of the Indian subcontinent.

List of Contributors
Savage Attack: Adivasis and Insurgency in India. Crispin Bates and Alpa Shah
1. We Shall Fight Them on the Beach: Counterinsurgency, Colonisation and the Andaman Islanders, 1771–1863
Satadru Sen
2. ‘Natural Boundaries’: Negotiating Land Rights and  Establishing Rule on the East India Company’s North-Eastern Frontier 1790s–1820s . Gunnel Cederlöf
3. From ‘Natural Philosophy’ to ‘Political Ritual’: An Ethno-Historical Reading of the Colonial Sources on the Konds’ Religion (Orissa) .Raphaël Rousseleau
4. Locating Adivasi Identity in Colonial India: The Oraons and the Tana Bhagats in Chhotanagpur, 1914–1919
Sangeeta Dasgupta
5. Tribal Armed Rebellion of 1922–1924 in the Madras Presidency: a Study of Causation as Colonial Legitimation
Atlury Murali
6. Events, Incidents and Accidents: Re-Thinking Indigenous Resistance in the Andaman Islands. Vishvajit Pandya
7. The Making and Unmaking of an Adivasi Working Class in Western Orissa. Christian Strümpell
8. Adivasis and Communists in Post-Reform Kerala:  Neoliberalism, Political Disillusionment, and the Indigenist Challenge .Luisa Steur
9. Thoughts on Religious Experience and ‘Politics’ in Adivasi India: an Anthropologist Attempts a Rereading of History . Amit Desai
10. Alcoholics Anonymous: The Maoist Movement in  Jharkhand, India .Alpa Shah
About the Authors:
Crispin Bates is Professor of Modern and South Asian History in the
School of History, Classics and Archaeology and Director of the
Centre for South Asian Studies at the University of Edinburgh. His
research interests focus on labour migration and peasant and tribal
history in central India, on which he has published numerous articles.
His publications include Subalterns and Raj: South Asia since 1600
(London: Routledge, 2007); Beyond Representation: constructions of
identity in colonial and postcolonial India (Oxford, New Delhi: Oxford
University Press, 2005), and (with Subho Basu) Rethinking Indian
Political Institutions (London: Anthem Press, 2005). Between 2006-
2008 he was Principal Investigator in an AHRC-funded research
project concerning the Great Indian Uprising and is the editor
and key contributor to Mutiny at the Margins (New Delhi: Sage,
2013-2014), a seven volume series exploring new perspectives
on the 1857 rebellion
Alpa Shah is Reader in the Department of Anthropology at the
London School of Economics and Political Science. This book
was prepared while she was Senior Lecturer in Anthropology at
Goldsmiths, University of London. She is the author of In the
Shadows of the State: Indigenous Politics, Environmentalism and
Insurgency in Jharkhand, India (Duke University Press and Oxford
University Press, India: 2010). She has co-edited several volumes including
(with Judith Pettigrew) Windows into a Revolution: Ethnographies
of Maoism in India and Nepal (Social Science Press, Delhi: 2012),
(with Sara Schneiderman)  An Anthropology of Affirmative Action
:The Practices, Politics and Policies of Transforming Inequality
in South Asia (Focaal, 2013), and  (with Tobias Kelly)
A Double Edged Sword: Protection and State

Violence (Critique of Anthropology, 2013).